Straight Outta Uxbridge

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Misty Mountain Hop

Pai (pronounced bye) is a small village up in the highlands, north west of Chiang Mai. We spent about a week here, and it rapidly became Kerri's favourite place.

Unfortunately, we were here about a month ago, and the only things we can remember doing are helping a class of primary school kids with their English and trekking through the forest on an elephant that also took a swim in a river with us.

Apart from that there was much watching of films, drinking of beer and general lazy wandering up and down the main street, wondering what to do with ourselves.

I would write more but a. I cant remember anything else and b. I need to get on and write the Cambodia blog.


  • Helping Kids with their English! give me strength, they'll be over here soon.

    I can just imagine the scene.

    Heathrow, cab driver "were you wanna go sonny jim"
    Blokey "Up the Spurs"
    Driver "You what?"
    Blokey "you take me to bungle bungles yes"
    Driver "you avin' a larf son, bet you ain't got no money either"
    Blokey " I got half a pound of hairy........(taxi screeches off)"

    Anyhoo, poker night deux is on saturday, we'll be thinking of ya Frabbs.

    Say a brief mumble to your travelling companion- whatever her name is.

    Sir Terrance.

    Ps. Spurs crowned the reserve league champions last night with three games left!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30/3/06 10:32  

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