Straight Outta Uxbridge

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tropical Paradise

Although at the current time of writing the Cook Islands are a bit of a distant memory, that memory is not fading so quickly that I can't tell you how great it is there.

If like me, you have never heard of the Cook Islands, they are a handfull of small atolls spread over an area the size of western Europe in the South Pacific. Rarotonga, the main island, is small. The ring road that follows the coast all the way round is 32km long if you scoot a complete circuit (something we did many times). This may lead you to believe that there is not much to do here - well, you'd be absolutely right. However, let's face it - doing things is overrated. Once you have been here for a couple of days the art of doing nothing can be taken to a whole new level (trust me, I'm an expert in this field). Reading, scooting and snorkelling are just about it for the activity list, and the most important decision of the day is what to buy for dinner.

It's funny, but after a week or so of picture perfect white sand beaches, swaying palm trees and glorious sunshine it is possible to catch yourself saying "I'm a bit bored of this now". Honestly, you wouldn't believe it but it's true. Anyway, we struggled on and broke up the days with the occasional piss up with our fellow backpackers (yes, they were twats - except "The English Girls") and daily snorkelling trips - probably the best since Malaysia.

Of course, by now you already know that I popped the question (or rather mumbled it) to the lovely Laver-soon-to-be-McPolin, so I wont go into that again, but suffice to say I couldn't have picked a more suitable surrounding (which to be fair is no coincidence on my part).

I don't really have much more to add as with it being 3 or 4 weeks ago I have forgotten all the usual funny anecdotes and sub-plots that make this blog such wonderful reading ;-), but my advice is simple - go to the Cook Islands, and if you can't do that then look at my pictures.


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